Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 308

Chapter 308


Chapter 308: Delicate and Endearing


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With a sweet voice, Gu Zi called out, Husband, could you hold our precious

Lele for a while? Im a bit tired.

Her voice was so sweet it could melt hearts.

Su Shen didnt care whether she was intentionally acting coy or not, he quickly took Su Le from her, allowing her to rest on the bed.

Su Shen thought to himself, this woman can be quite delicate at times, but it was endearing, and he didnt mind if she acted a bit more so.

Daddy, Daddy, no! Su Le protested, not yet sleepy. When Su Shen laid her down on the bed, she showed some resistance.

She wanted her mothers embrace, so she reached out her tiny hands to grab her mothers collar.

Gu Zi, having just taken a bath, was wearing a loose-necked nightgown. With a tug from the little hand, her bare breast, which was not covered by a bra, was exposed. Su Shen clearly saw the red mark he had just left, it was quite beautiful.

He couldnt help but gulp, and Gu Zi quickly adjusted the collar of her nightgown that was being held by the small hand, barely covering her chest.

She held Su Le, trying to soothe her to sleep, saying, It seems that you, as a father, need to spend more time with Lele, otherwise she wont want you.

Su Shen covered the mother and daughter with a blanket, speaking softly, Its okay, as long as you want me.

His voice was usually steady and cold, but when he spoke such words of affection, it was particularly charming.

Gu Zi felt her cheeks heat up, her heartbeat uncontrollably quickening, a wave of sweetness washing over her heart.

After Gu Zi had soothed Su Le to sleep, she still wasnt sleepy. She got out of bed, picked up a book, and sat by the bed to read. Su Shen, at some point, moved Lele to his side of the bed and squeezed next to Gu Zi, wrapping his arm around her as they read together.

Su Shen hadnt quietly read a book like this in a long time. He used to study all night when he was in the military.

Although he was reading at night now, having his beautiful wife in his arms made it feel even more special.

Gu Zi had noticed the mans small movements, but she didnt like to talk while reading. So, she waited until she finished the chapter she was reading before she looked at the man beside her and asked with some surprise, How much can you understand? Do you know foreign languages?

This was one of the most difficult foreign classics to understand. Many college graduates couldnt understand this book without the help of a translator.

But looking at his expression, Gu Zi didnt think he was having trouble understanding, let alone not recognizing a single word.

Gu Zi didnt know how educated Su Shen was, but from what she could tell, he must know some foreign languages. Otherwise, he wouldnt have been reading with her for so long. From what she knew about Su Shen, he wasnt the type to pretend to understand something he didnt.

Su Shen calmly touched her cheek and said, I have a basic understanding of foreign languages. I can understand some of it.

Gu Zi didnt say anything, her pupils dilating. He was being modest. If he could understand this book, he must be more than just a little familiar with foreign languages.

Gu Zi felt that the man beside her was very cunning. It seemed like he had told her everything about himself, but in reality, there were still many secrets waiting for her to discover.

But Gu Zi understood, it was normal for a man like him, who had experienced the battlefield, to be cunning.

Even though he might not have completely opened up to her yet, it was okay, they had plenty of time.

If it were any other man, she might not want to spend time exploring him, it would be better to spend that time making money.

But with Su Shen, she was interested in slowly understanding him. She really wanted to see what the picture in the depths of this mans heart looked like.

Gu Zi was lost in thought for a moment, then she snapped back to reality and said she was done reading.

She got out of bed, put the book back in its place, and stood by the window, stretching her neck, waist, and legs. As she glanced at the pigeon cage in the yard, a light bulb went off in her head.

After getting back in bed, she told Su Shen, I figured out how to eat the pigeon! Roast it! Although its not as nourishing as soup, its really delicious! I want the first one roasted, is that okay?

Su Shen thought she was contemplating some big life decision, but it turned out she was thinking about how to eat the pigeon.

He teased her pretty nose, indulging her, Little glutton, of course, what do you need me to do?

Su Shen felt that he was now able to understand her character. She was very decisive when it came to doing things, especially small things. She generally didnt need to discuss them with him. If she mentioned something to him, it was likely she needed some help.

Gu Zi felt a ticklish sensation where the man had teased her nose. She touched it, then wrapped her arm around Su Shens neck, leaning her soft body into his embrace..

